6th International Conference, May 20 - 24, 2007, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia 


Full-length papers should be submitted to the conference secretariat by February 16, 2007 by e-mail (attached in MS Word ".doc" or ".rtf" format) to the address: measurement@savba.sk .
Peer-reviewers will evaluate all submitted manuscripts.

Recommendation for the manuscript structure:
Abstract, 1. Purpose/Introduction, 2. Subject & Methods, 3. Results, 4. Discussion/Conclusions, Acknowledgement, References.

Maximum 4 pages A4, including title, name(s), affiliation, fax and/or e-mail address in camera-ready form, margins 25 mm. 2 column format is also acceptable.
Times New Roman font with a minimum typing size of 11 points for the text and 13 points for title and list of authors is requested.

Template form of a full-length paper