
Visitors from some countries do need visa. Please, check the list of countries citizens of which do need visa here.

For detailed information about the Schengen area, visa types and application procedures visit the website of the Slovak Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

Conference participants with accepted papers will on request obtain invitation letters necessary for visa application.


Climate & weather

Average daily/night temperatures for this period are around 22/10ºC, humidity 55%.

See actual weather forecast here.


Local time

Central European summer time.


Currency in Slovakia



Local language

Slovak, most people speak also German or English.

The conference language is English.



Conference hotlines

In case of unexpected problems during transport or during the conference call one of following mobile numbers and we shall assist you:

 +421 908 267 442 (Eva)

 +421 905 973 534 (Jan)


Transport to Smolenice

If you take the conference bus at the railway or bus station in Bratislava look for our persons and bus marked by "MEASUREMENT 2019" signs in front of the stations.
Our persons will be there at least 30 minutes before the bus departures.


Payment and bank services

Only Euro will be accepted for direct payments at the reception in Smolenice.

Cash or credit cards (Visa/Visa electron, EuroCard/MasterCard, Diners International) will be accepted.

Nearest bank is in Trnava (20 km). Nearest automated teller machines (ATM) are in Smolenice village about 1 km from the castle: VUB bank: Nám. SNP 87, Kultúrny dom; SlSp bank: Nám. SNP 85.


Confirmation of participation

Registered participants will receive certificate of attendance.

Participants will receive invoice for paid fees and services, printed payment confirmation will be given on request.


Conference proceedings


All registered participants will obtain printed conference program and MEASUREMENT 2019 proceedings on USB flash card during the conference. The proceedings will be available also through the IEEE Xplore portal and their following inclusion into SCOPUS and WOS is also expected.