The 8th International Conference on Measurement will be held in the Congress Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences at the Smolenice Castle situated in Small Carpathians about 60 km from Bratislava. The original castle was rebuilt in the beginning of the previous century in romantic style. Now, after a large renovation it offers full comfort in several well equipped conference rooms including videoconferencing or wireless network connection. Accommodation is in suites, single, double or more-bed rooms, all with their own bathrooms. Participants can rest in the quiet corners of the castle or in its garden or can walk in nice parks surrounding the castle.

For detailed information about the conference venue visit the Conference center web page. You can also download short movie or presentation about Smolenice and surounding (with Slovak comments).


See the global map and overview map to locate Smolenice relative to the cities Vienna, Bratislava and Trnava or the local map to see the vicinity of the conference center with bus stops and railway station in Smolenice. For more information on transport to/from Smolenice see the Trasportation link.